Order Continuous Operators on Pre-Riesz Spaces and Embeddings
Anke Kalauch
Technische Universität Dresden, GermanyHelena Malinowski
North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

We investigate properties of order continuous operators on pre-Riesz spaces with respect to the embedding of the range space into a vector lattice cover or, in particular, into its Dedekind completion. We show that order continuity is preserved under this embedding for positive operators, but not in general.
For the vector lattice of eventually constant sequences, we consider the pre-Riesz space of regular operators on and show that making the range space Dedekind complete does not provide a vector lattice cover of the pre-Riesz space. A similar counterexample is obtained for the directed part of the space of order continuous operators on .
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Anke Kalauch, Helena Malinowski, Order Continuous Operators on Pre-Riesz Spaces and Embeddings. Z. Anal. Anwend. 38 (2019), no. 4, pp. 375–395
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1642