Wiener Algebras of Operators, and Applications to Pseudodifferential Operators
Vladimir S. Rabinovich
Escuelo Superior de Mat y Fis del IPN, México, D.f., MexicoSteffen Roch
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany

We introduce a Wiener algebra of operators on which contains, for example, all pseudodifferential operators in the Hörmander class . A discretization based on the action of the discrete Heisenberg group associates to each operator in this algebra a band-dominated operator in a Wiener algebra of operators on . The (generalized) Fredholmness of these discretized operators can be expressed by the invertibility of their limit operators. This implies a criterion for the Fredholmness on of pseudodifferential operators in in terms of their limit operators. Applications to Schrödinger operators with continuous potential and other partial differential operators are given.
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Vladimir S. Rabinovich, Steffen Roch, Wiener Algebras of Operators, and Applications to Pseudodifferential Operators. Z. Anal. Anwend. 23 (2004), no. 3, pp. 437–482
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1207