Morozov's Discrepancy Principle under General Source Conditions
M. Thamban Nair
Indian Institute of Technics, Madras, Chennai, IndiaE. Schock
Universität Kaiserslautern, GermanyUlrich Tautenhahn
University of Applied Sciences, Zittau, Germany

In this paper we study linear ill-posed problems in a Hilbert space setting where instead of exact data noisy data are given satisfying with known noise level . Regularized approximations are obtained by a general regularization scheme where the regularization parameter is chosen from Morozov's discrepancy principle. Assuming the unknown solution belongs to some general source set we prove that the regularized approximation provides order optimal error bounds on the set . Our results cover the special case of finitely smoothing operators and extend recent results for infinitely smoothing operators.
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M. Thamban Nair, E. Schock, Ulrich Tautenhahn, Morozov's Discrepancy Principle under General Source Conditions. Z. Anal. Anwend. 22 (2003), no. 1, pp. 199–214
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1140