Recent developments and open problems in linear series
Thomas Bauer
Philipps-Universität, Marburg, GermanyCristiano Bocci
Università di Siena, ItalySusan Cooper
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USASandra Di Rocco
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenMarcin Dumnicki
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, PolandBrian Harbourne
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USAAlex Küronya
Budapest University of Technology & Economics, HungaryAnders Lindquist
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenRick Miranda
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, United StatesHans Z. Munthe-Kaas
University of Bergen, NorwayJoaquim Roé
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, SpainHenry K. Schenck
University of Illinois, Urbana, United StatesTomasz Szemberg
Krakow Pedagogical Academy, Krakow, PolandZach Teitler
Boise State University, USA

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This article presents problems discussed during the Mini-Workshop Linear Series on Algebraic Varieties held in the week of October 3–9, 2010, at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut at Oberwolfach, as well as results obtained there and shortly after the Workshop.
The discussion revolves mainly around the speciality and the postulation problems as well as the containment problems for various powers of ideals. The main motivations originated in the Harbourne-Hirschowitz, Nagata and the Bounded Negativity Conjectures.