Representations of Algebras and Related Structures
International Conference on Representations of Algebras, ICRA 2020, 9–25 November 2020
Aslak Bakke Buan
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NorwayHenning Krause
Universität Bielefeld, GermanyØyvind Solberg
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

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pp. i–iv Front matterpp. v–vii PrefaceAslak Bakke BuanHenning KrauseOeyvind Solberg
pp. ix–xii Contentspp. 1–24 Indecomposable objects in the derived category of a skew-gentle algebra using orbifoldsClaire Amiot
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/1pp. 25–36 The wall-chamber structures of the real Grothendieck groupsSota Asai
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/2pp. 37–75 Permutation modules, Mackey functors, and Artin motivesPaul BalmerMartin Gallauer
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/3pp. 77–150 An introduction to multiparameter persistenceMagnus Bakke BotnanMichael Lesnick
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/4pp. 151–168 Recollements and injective generation of the derived categoryCharley Cummings
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/5pp. 169–190 Tame algebras: some work of Andrzej SkowrońskiKarin Erdmann
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/6pp. 191–234 Lectures on symmetric tensor categoriesPavel EtingofArun S. Kannan
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/7pp. 235–278 A class of Gorenstein algebras and their dualitiesSrikanth B. IyengarWassilij GnedinHenning Krause
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/8pp. 279–304 An introduction to relative Calabi–Yau structuresBernhard KellerYu Wang
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/9pp. 305–334 Refined Coxeter polynomialsSefi Ladkani
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/10pp. 335–369 Cluster algebras and their basesFan Qin
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/11pp. 371–385 Stable finiteness of endomorphism ringsSimone Virili
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/12pp. 387–414 The higher Stasheff–Tamari orders in representation theoryNicholas J. Williams
DOI 10.4171/ECR/19/13pp. 415–416 List of contributors