Classification of Algebraic Varieties
Carel Faber
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenEduard Looijenga
University of Utrecht, The NetherlandsGerard van der Geer
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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pp. v–vi Contentspp. vii–viii IntroductionCarel FaberGerard van der GeerEduard Looijenga
pp. 1–38 Stable varieties with a twistDan AbramovichBrendan Hassett
DOI 10.4171/007-1/1pp. 39–48 Basic properties of log canonical centersFlorin Ambro
DOI 10.4171/007-1/2pp. 49–76 Burniat surfaces I: fundamental groups and moduli of primary Burniat surfacesIngrid BauerFabrizio Catanese
DOI 10.4171/007-1/3pp. 77–113 Minimal models, flips and finite generation: a tribute to V.V. Shokurov and Y.-T. SiuCaucher BirkarMihai Paun
DOI 10.4171/007-1/4pp. 115–121 Remarks on an example of K. UenoFrédéric Campana
DOI 10.4171/007-1/5pp. 123–170 Special orbifolds and birational classification: a surveyFrédéric Campana
DOI 10.4171/007-1/6pp. 171–187 Birational geometry of threefoldsJungkai Alfred Chen
DOI 10.4171/007-1/7pp. 189–195 Emptiness of homogeneous linear systems with ten general base pointsCiro CilibertoOlivia DumitrescuRick MirandaJoaquim Roé
DOI 10.4171/007-1/8pp. 197–220 Finite generation of adjoint rings after Lazic: an introductionAlessio Corti
DOI 10.4171/007-1/9pp. 221–257 Log canonical thresholds on varieties with bounded singularitiesTommaso de FernexLawrence EinMircea Mustaţă
DOI 10.4171/007-1/10pp. 259–276 Brill–Noether geometry on moduli spaces of spin curvesGavril Farkas
DOI 10.4171/007-1/11pp. 277–288 On the bimeromorphic geometry of compact complex contact threefoldsKristina FrantzenThomas Peternell
DOI 10.4171/007-1/12pp. 289–303 Introduction to the theory of quasi-log varietiesOsamu Fujino
DOI 10.4171/007-1/13pp. 305–315 On Kawamata’s theoremOsamu Fujino
DOI 10.4171/007-1/14pp. 317–325 Remarks on the cone of divisorsYujiro Kawamata
DOI 10.4171/007-1/15pp. 327–338 -elementary subgroups of the Cremona group of rank 3Yuri Prokhorov
DOI 10.4171/007-1/16