Local Representation Theory and Simple Groups
Radha Kessar
City University of London, UKGunter Malle
Universität Kaiserslautern, GermanyDonna Testerman
EPF Lausanne, Switzerland

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pp. v–vi PrefaceRadha KessarGunter MalleDonna Testerman
pp. vii–viii Contentspp. 1–22 Basic local representation theoryBurkhard Külshammer
DOI 10.4171/185-1/1pp. 23–61 Reduction theorems for some global–local conjecturesBritta Späth
DOI 10.4171/185-1/2pp. 63–106 A first guide to the character theory of finite groups of Lie typeMeinolf Geck
DOI 10.4171/185-1/3pp. 107–177 Lectures on modular Deligne–Lusztig theoryOlivier Dudas
DOI 10.4171/185-1/4pp. 179–265 Local methods for blocks of finite simple groupsMarc Cabanes
DOI 10.4171/185-1/5pp. 267–322 Simple groups, fixed point ratios and applicationsTimothy C. Burness
DOI 10.4171/185-1/6pp. 323–352 Applications of character theory of finite simple groupsMartin W. Liebeck
DOI 10.4171/185-1/7