Lectures on Universal Teichmüller Space
Armen Sergeev
Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. v–vi | |
ContentsDownload p. vii | |
1 | Quasiconformal mapspp. 1–17 |
2 | Universal Teichmüller spacepp. 19–35 |
3 | Subspaces of universal Teichmüller spacepp. 37–53 |
4 | Grassmann realization of the universal Teichmüller spacepp. 55–68 |
5 | Quantization of the space of normalized diffeomorphismspp. 69–83 |
6 | Quantization of universal Teichmüller spacepp. 85–92 |
7 | Instead of an afterword. Universal Teichmüller space and string theorypp. 93–94 |
8 | Problemspp. 95–97 |
Bibliographical commentspp. 99–100 | |
Bibliographypp. 101–102 | |
Indexpp. 103–104 |