Finite Generalized Quadrangles

Second Edition

  • Stanley E. Payne

    University of Colorado Denver, Denver, USA
  • Joseph A. Thas

    Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
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Generalized quadrangles (GQ) were formally introduced by J. Tits in 1959 in order to describe geometric properties of simple groups of Lie type of rank 2. After its appearance in 1984, Finite Generalized Quadrangles (FGQ) quickly became the standard reference for finite GQ. It presents the whole story of the subject from the very beginning in a book of modest length.

This second edition is essentially a reprint of the first edition. It is a careful rendering into LaTeX of the original, along with an appendix that introduces major new results pertaining to GQ, especially in those areas in which the authors of this work have made a contribution.

The first edition has been out of print for many years, and the new edition makes again available this classical reference in the rapidly increasing field of finite geometries.