Erwin Schrödinger – 50 Years After
Wolfgang L. Reiter
University of Vienna, AustriaJakob Yngvason
University of Vienna, Austria

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Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961) was an Austrian physicist famous for the equation named after him and which earned him the Nobel Prize in 1933. This book contains lectures presented at the international symposium Erwin Schrödinger – 50 Years After held at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics in January 2011 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Schrödinger’s death.
The text covers a broad spectrum of topics ranging from personal reminiscences to foundational questions of quantum mechanics and historical accounts of Schrödinger’s work. Besides the lectures presented at the symposium the volume also contains articles specially written for this occasion.
The contributions give an overview of Schrödinger’s legacy to the sciences from the standpoint of some of present day’s leading scholars in the field.
The book addresses students and researchers in mathematics, physics and the history of science.