Boltzmann’s Legacy
Giovanni Gallavotti
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, ItalyWolfgang L. Reiter
University of Vienna, AustriaJakob Yngvason
University of Vienna, Austria

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pp. v–vi ForewordGiovanni GallavottiWolfgang L. ReiterJakob Yngvason
pp. vii–viii Contentspp. 1–6 IntroductionGiovanni Gallavotti
DOI 10.4171/057-1/1pp. 7–25 Boltzmann and the end of the mechanistic worldviewJürgen Renn
DOI 10.4171/057-1/2pp. 27–36 What if Boltzmann had known about quantum mechanicsElliott H. Lieb
DOI 10.4171/057-1/3pp. 39–60 Entropy, nonequilibrium, chaos and infinitesimalsGiovanni Gallavotti
DOI 10.4171/057-1/4pp. 63–87 From time-symmetric microscopic dynamics to time-asymmetric macroscopic behavior: an overviewJoel L. Lebowitz
DOI 10.4171/057-1/5pp. 89–97 What physical quantities make sense in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics?David Ruelle
DOI 10.4171/057-1/6pp. 99–104 Boltzmann, ergodic theory, and chaosDonald S. Ornstein
DOI 10.4171/057-1/7pp. 107–127 134 years of Boltzmann equationCarlo Cercignani
DOI 10.4171/057-1/8pp. 129–143 -theorem and beyond: Boltzmann's entropy in today's mathematicsCédric Villani
DOI 10.4171/057-1/9pp. 145–159 On the Boltzmann equation for weakly nonlinear wave equationsHerbert Spohn
DOI 10.4171/057-1/10pp. 161–170 Entropy, probability and dynamicsE.G.D. Cohen
DOI 10.4171/057-1/11pp. 171–201 Realizing Boltzmann's dream: computer simulations in modern statistical mechanicsChristoph DellagoHarald A. Posch
DOI 10.4171/057-1/12pp. 203–215 Statistical properties of the cluster dynamics of the systems of statistical mechanicsAndrei GabrielovVladimir Keilis-BorokYakov G. SinaiIlya Zaliapin
DOI 10.4171/057-1/13pp. 217–241 Boltzmann and evolution: some basic questions of biology seen with atomistic glassesPeter Schuster
DOI 10.4171/057-1/14pp. 243–260 Ludwig Boltzmann – the restless prophetWolfgang L. Reiter
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