Noncommutative Geometry and Physics: Renormalisation, Motives, Index Theory
Alan L. Carey
Australian National University, Canberra

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pp. v–vi IntroductionAlan L. Carey
p. vii Contentspp. 1–40 Notes on Feynman integrals and renormalizationChristoph Bergbauer
DOI 10.4171/008-1/1pp. 41–87 Introduction to motivesMatilde MarcolliJorge PlazasSujatha Ramdorai
DOI 10.4171/008-1/2pp. 89–102 A short survey on pre-Lie algebrasDominique Manchon
DOI 10.4171/008-1/3pp. 103–174 Divergent multiple sums and integrals with constraints: a comparative studySylvie Paycha
DOI 10.4171/008-1/4pp. 175–265 Spectral triples: examples and index theoryAlan L. CareyJohn PhillipsAdam Rennie
DOI 10.4171/008-1/5