Water cockpit: dashboards for decision support systems
Moritz Allmaras
Siemens AG, München, GermanyConstantin Blanck
RWW Rheinisch-Westfälische Wasserwerksgesellschaft mbH, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, GermanyStefan Fischer
Netzgesellschaft Düsseldorf mbH, GermanyAndreas Pirsing
Siemens AG, Berlin, GermanyMichael Plath
RWW Rheinisch-Westfälische Wasserwerksgesellschaft mbH, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, GermanyTim Schenk
Siemens AG, München, GermanyAnnelie Sohr

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In this chapter, it is discussed which indicators and views of water supply systems are needed to address all relevant user roles targeted by a decision support system. The first step is an overview of the indicators that are used to estimate and compare the efficiency of water supply systems. The specific energy consumption is only of limited usefulness in this context, hence hydraulic and electric efficiency indicators are defined that allow the formulation of an overall efficiency of a plant. Then, the relevant user roles and related quality attributes for a decision support system are investigated. The chapter concludes with a detailed discussion on how the user interface for the EWave system has been designed and implemented in order to meet these system qualities.