Differential-Algebraic Equations
Analysis and Numerical Solution
Peter Kunkel
University of Leipzig, GermanyVolker Mehrmann
Technical University of Berlin, Germany

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload p. v | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–viii | |
Part I Analysis of differential-algebraic equationsp. 1 | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 3–12 |
2 | Linear differential-algebraic equations with constant coefficientspp. 13–55 |
3 | Linear differential-algebraic equations with variable coefficientspp. 56–150 |
4 | Nonlinear differential-algebraic equationspp. 151–213 |
Part II Numerical solution of differential-algebraic equationsp. 215 | |
5 | Numerical methods for strangeness-free problemspp. 217–272 |
6 | Numerical methods for index reductionpp. 273–297 |
7 | Boundary value problemspp. 298–351 |
8 | Software for the numerical solution of differential-algebraic equationspp. 352–356 |
Final remarks p. 357 | |
Bibliographypp. 359–372 | |
Indexpp. 373–377 |