Large Scale Geometry

Second Edition

  • Piotr W. Nowak

    Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  • Guoliang Yu

    Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
Large Scale Geometry cover

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Front matterDownload pp. i–iv
DedicationDownload p. v
PrefaceDownload pp. vii–ix
ContentsDownload pp. xi–xiii
Notation and conventionspp. xv–xvi
1Metric spaces and large scale geometrypp. 1–26
2Asymptotic dimension and decomposition complexitypp. 27–49
3Amenabilitypp. 51–64
4Property App. 65–85
5Coarse embeddingspp. 87–122
6Group actions on Banach spacespp. 123–146
7Coarse homologypp. 147–169
8Survey of applicationspp. 171–177
Referencespp. 179–194
Indexpp. 195–197