Contributions to the History of Number Theory in the 20th Century
Peter Roquette
University of Heidelberg, Germany

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
PrefaceDownload p. vii | |
ContentsDownload p. ix | |
List of FiguresDownload p. xi | |
1 | The Brauer–Hasse–Noether Theorempp. 1–76 |
2 | The remarkable career of Otto Grünpp. 77–116 |
3 | At Emmy Noether’s funeralpp. 117–128 |
4 | Emmy Noether and HermannWeylpp. 129–162 |
5 | Emmy Noether: The testimonialspp. 163–174 |
6 | Abraham Robinson and his infinitesimalspp. 175–188 |
7 | Cahit Arf and his invariantpp. 189–222 |
8 | Hasse–Arf–Langlandspp. 223–226 |
9 | Ernst Steinitz and abstract field theorypp. 227–237 |
10 | Heinrich-Wolfgang Leopoldtpp. 239–243 |
11 | On Hoechsmann’s Theorempp. 245–254 |
Acknowledgementsp. 255 | |
Bibliographypp. 257–271 | |
Name Indexpp. 273–276 | |
Subject Indexpp. 277–278 |