Contributions to the History of Number Theory in the 20th Century

  • Peter Roquette

    University of Heidelberg, Germany
Contributions to the History of Number Theory in the 20th Century cover

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v
PrefaceDownload p. vii
ContentsDownload p. ix
List of FiguresDownload p. xi
1The Brauer–Hasse–Noether Theorempp. 1–76
2The remarkable career of Otto Grünpp. 77–116
3At Emmy Noether’s funeralpp. 117–128
4Emmy Noether and HermannWeylpp. 129–162
5Emmy Noether: The testimonialspp. 163–174
6Abraham Robinson and his infinitesimalspp. 175–188
7Cahit Arf and his invariantpp. 189–222
8Hasse–Arf–Langlandspp. 223–226
9Ernst Steinitz and abstract field theorypp. 227–237
10Heinrich-Wolfgang Leopoldtpp. 239–243
11On Hoechsmann’s Theorempp. 245–254
Acknowledgementsp. 255
Bibliographypp. 257–271
Name Indexpp. 273–276
Subject Indexpp. 277–278