Karl Löwner and His Student Lipman Bers – Pre-war Prague Mathematicians
Martina Bečvářová
Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech RepublicIvan Netuka
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. v–viii | |
ContentsDownload p. ix | |
1 | Brief overview of Karl Löwner’s lifep. 1 |
2 | Karl Löwner: distinguished teacher and scholar1pp. 3–72 |
3 | Publications of Karl Löwner before 1939pp. 73–191 |
4 | Bibliography of Karl Löwnerpp. 193–198 |
5 | List of Reviews by Karl Löwnerpp. 199–201 |
6 | Lecture courses and seminars attended by Karl Löwnerpp. 203–208 |
7 | Lecture courses and seminars delivered by Karl Löwnerpp. 209–215 |
8 | Karl Löwner and dissertations at the German University in Praguepp. 217–223 |
9 | Karl Löwner’s lectures to the mathematical communitypp. 225–227 |
10 | Brief overview of Lipman Bers’ lifep. 229 |
11 | Lipman Bers: the final doctoral student of Löwner in Praguepp. 231–246 |
12 | L. Bers’ dissertation on potential theorypp. 247–269 |
Harmonisches Maß im Raumepp. 271–280 | |
Karl Löwner and Lipman Bers according to Marian Tracy’s memorypp. 281–282 | |
Karl Löwner and Lipman Bers: Ruth Bers Shapiro recalls their friendshipp. 283 | |
Name indexpp. 285–294 | |
Subject indexpp. 295–300 |