Nikolai I. Lobachevsky, Pangeometry
Athanase Papadopoulos
IRMA, Strasbourg, France

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pp. i–vii Frontmatter, Forewordp. ix Contentspp. x–xii On the present editionp. 1 I. Pangeometrypp. 3–78 English translationpp. 79–143 French original from 1856pp. 145–202 Russian original from 1855p. 203 II. Lobachevsky's biographypp. 205–216 Preface to Lobachevsky’s 1886 biographypp. 217–225 Lobachevsky’s biography (1886)p. 227 III. A commentary on Lobachevsky's Pangeometrypp. 229–234 Introductionpp. 235–259 On the content of Lobachevsky’s Pangeometrypp. 260–279 On hyperbolic geometry and its receptionpp. 280–284 On models, and on model-free hyperbolic geometrypp. 285–289 A short list of referencespp. 290–298 Some milestones for Lobachevsky’s works on geometrypp. 299–310 Bibliography