Lectures in Model Theory
Franziska Jahnke
Universität Münster, GermanyDaniel Palacín
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IsraelKatrin Tent
Universität Münster, Germany

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pp. v–vii PrefaceFranziska JahnkeDaniel PalacínKatrin Tent
p. ix Contentspp. 1–27 An introduction to stability theoryDaniel Palacín
DOI 10.4171/184-1/1pp. 29–58 Geometric stability theoryMartin Bays
DOI 10.4171/184-1/2pp. 59–82 NIP and definably amenable groupsPierre Simon
DOI 10.4171/184-1/3pp. 83–118 Some model theory of profinite groupsTim ClausenKatrin Tent
DOI 10.4171/184-1/4pp. 119–149 An introduction to valued fieldsFranziska Jahnke
DOI 10.4171/184-1/5pp. 151–180 Model theory of valued fieldsMartin Hils
DOI 10.4171/184-1/6pp. 181–202 An introduction to motivic integrationImmanuel Halupczok
DOI 10.4171/184-1/7