Lectures on Algebraic Categorification
Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Uppsala University, Sweden

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload p. v | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–ix | |
1 | Basics: decategorification and categorificationpp. 1–7 |
2 | Basics: from categorification of linear maps to 2-categoriespp. 9–15 |
3 | Basics: 2-representations of finitary 2-categoriespp. 17–23 |
4 | Category : definitionspp. 25–32 |
5 | Category : projective and shuffling functorspp. 33–39 |
6 | Category : twisting and completionpp. 41–46 |
7 | Category : grading and combinatoricspp. 47–53 |
8 | -categorification: Soergel bimodules, cells and Specht modulespp. 55–60 |
9 | -categorification: (induced) cell modulespp. 61–66 |
10 | Category : Koszul dualitypp. 67–73 |
11 | -categorification: simple finite-dimensional modulespp. 75–80 |
12 | Application: categorification of the Jones polynomialpp. 81–86 |
13 | -categorification of Chuang and Rouquierpp. 87–92 |
14 | Application: blocks of and Broué’s conjecturepp. 93–98 |
15 | Applications of -categorificationspp. 99–104 |
16 | Exercisespp. 105–107 |
Bibliographypp. 109–115 | |
Indexpp. 117–119 |