Mathematics and Society
Wolfgang König
WIAS Berlin and Technical University Berlin, Germany
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pp. v–ix PrefaceWolfgang König
pp. xi–xii Contentspp. 1–5 The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth: The challenges of reporting on mathematicsGeorge G. Szpiro
DOI 10.4171/164-1/1pp. 7–25 Experimental mathematics in the society of the futureDavid H. BaileyJonathan M. Borwein
DOI 10.4171/164-1/2pp. 27–35 What is the impact of interactive mathematical experiments?Albrecht Beutelspacher
DOI 10.4171/164-1/3pp. 37–50 Mathematics and financeWalter Schachermayer
DOI 10.4171/164-1/4pp. 51–70 Statistics in high dimensionsAad van der VaartWessel van Wieringen
DOI 10.4171/164-1/5pp. 71–80 Filtering theory: Mathematics in engineering, from Gauss to particle filtersOfer Zeitouni
DOI 10.4171/164-1/6pp. 81–99 Mathematical models for population dynamics: Randomness versus determinismJean Bertoin
DOI 10.4171/164-1/7pp. 101–129 The quest for laws and structureJürg M. Fröhlich
DOI 10.4171/164-1/8pp. 131–151 Geometry and freeform architectureHelmut PottmannJohannes Wallner
DOI 10.4171/164-1/9pp. 153–165 Some geometries to describe natureChristiane Rousseau
DOI 10.4171/164-1/10pp. 167–183 Mathematics in industryHelmut Neunzert
DOI 10.4171/164-1/11pp. 185–220 Mathematics of signal design for communication systemsHolger BocheEzra Tampubolon
DOI 10.4171/164-1/12pp. 221–250 Cryptology: Methods, applications and challengesClaus Diem
DOI 10.4171/164-1/13pp. 251–279 A mathematical view on voting and powerWerner Kirsch
DOI 10.4171/164-1/14pp. 281–293 Numerical methods and scientific computing for climate and geosciencesJörn Behrens
DOI 10.4171/164-1/15