2D Ising model: Correlation functions at criticality via Riemann-type boundary value problems

  • Dmitry Chelkak

    Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
2D Ising model: Correlation functions at criticality via Riemann-type boundary value problems cover
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In this note we overview recent convergence results for correlations in the critical planar nearest-neighbor Ising model. We start with a short discussion of the combinatorics of the model and a definition of fermionic and spinor observables. After that, we illustrate our approach to spin correlations by a derivation of two classical explicit formulae in the infinite-volume limit. Then we describe the convergence results (as the mesh size tends to zero, in arbitrary planar domains) for fermionic correlators [14], energy-density [18] and spin expectations [11]. Finally, we discuss scaling limits of mixed correlators involving spins, disorders and fermions, and the classical fusion rules for them.