European Congress of Mathematics
Kraków, 2 – 7 July, 2012
Rafał Latała
University of Warsaw, PolandAndrzej Ruciński
A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań, PolandPaweł Strzelecki
University of Warsaw, PolandJacek Świątkowski
University of Wrocław, PolandDariusz Wrzosek
University of Warsaw, PolandPiotr Zakrzewski
University of Warsaw, Poland

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pp. v–xxxiv Front Matterp. v PrefacePaweł Strzelecki
pp. vii–ix Contentspp. 1–12 Some mathematical aspects of water wavesAdrian Constantin
DOI 10.4171/120-1/1pp. 13–29 Continuous dissipative Euler flows and a conjecture of OnsagerCamillo De LellisLászló Székelyhidi Jr.
DOI 10.4171/120-1/2pp. 31–50 Persistent Homology: Theory and PracticeHerbert EdelsbrunnerDmitriy Morozov
DOI 10.4171/120-1/3pp. 51–78 In a Search for a Structure, Part 1: On EntropyMisha Gromov
DOI 10.4171/120-1/4pp. 79–90 Classification of Algebraic VarietiesChristopher D. Hacon
DOI 10.4171/120-1/5pp. 91–117 Representations of affine Kac–Moody groups over local and global fields: a survey of some recent resultsAlexander BravermanDavid Kazhdan
DOI 10.4171/120-1/6pp. 119–135 Emergence of the Abrikosov lattice in several models with two dimensional Coulomb interactionSylvia Serfaty
DOI 10.4171/120-1/7pp. 137–157 Dependent Classes E72Saharon Shelah
DOI 10.4171/120-1/8pp. 159–178 Chaining and the Geometry of Stochastic ProcessesMichel Talagrand
DOI 10.4171/120-1/9pp. 179–193 Duflo isomorphism, the Kashiwara–Vergne conjecture and Drinfeld associatorsAnton Alekseev
DOI 10.4171/120-1/10pp. 195–209 Coagulation with limited aggregationsJean Bertoin
DOI 10.4171/120-1/11pp. 211–225 The Cremona group in two variablesSerge Cantat
DOI 10.4171/120-1/12pp. 227–242 Variational models for image inpaintingVicent Caselles
DOI 10.4171/120-1/13pp. 243–257 KAM theory and its applications: from conservative to dissipative systemsAlessandra Celletti
DOI 10.4171/120-1/14pp. 259–284 Le programme de Langlands -adiquePierre Colmez
DOI 10.4171/120-1/15pp. 285–300 Mirror Symmetry and Fano ManifoldsTom CoatesAlessio CortiSergey GalkinVasily GolyshevAlexander Kasprzyk
DOI 10.4171/120-1/16pp. 301–313 On flat bundles in characteristic 0 andHélène Esnault
DOI 10.4171/120-1/17pp. 315–330 Combinatorial realisation of cycles and small coversAlexander A. Gaifullin
DOI 10.4171/120-1/18pp. 331–345 Remarks on the global regularity for solutions to the incompressible Navier–Stokes equationsIsabelle Gallagher
DOI 10.4171/120-1/19pp. 347–360 Why the empirical sciences need statistics so desperatelyOlle Häggström
DOI 10.4171/120-1/20pp. 361–374 Computing the Schrödinger equation with no fear of commutatorsArieh Iserles
DOI 10.4171/120-1/21pp. 375–397 Dynamics of non-archimedean Polish groupsAlexander S. Kechris
DOI 10.4171/120-1/22pp. 399–413 Cluster algebras and cluster monomialsBernhard Keller
DOI 10.4171/120-1/23pp. 415–428 Weak solutions to the complex Monge–Ampère equationSławomir Kołodziej
DOI 10.4171/120-1/24pp. 429–443 Reinforced random walkGady Kozma
DOI 10.4171/120-1/25pp. 445–457 On blow-up curves for semilinear wave equationsFrank Merle
DOI 10.4171/120-1/26pp. 459–473 Commuting higher rank ordinary differential operatorsAndrey Mironov
DOI 10.4171/120-1/27pp. 475–488 Stochastic calculus with respect to the fractional Brownian motionDavid Nualart
DOI 10.4171/120-1/28pp. 489–502 Sampling, Interpolation, TranslatesAlexander Olevskii
DOI 10.4171/120-1/29pp. 503–513 Multidimensional periodic and almost-periodic spectral problemsLeonid Parnovski
DOI 10.4171/120-1/30pp. 515–529 Effective equations for quantum dynamicsBenjamin Schlein
DOI 10.4171/120-1/31pp. 531–545 Combinatorics of asymptotic representation theoryPiotr Śniady
DOI 10.4171/120-1/32pp. 547–553 On scale-invariant solutions of the Navier–Stokes equationsHao JiaVladimír Šverák
DOI 10.4171/120-1/33pp. 555–572 Ramsey-theoretic analysis of the conditional structure of weakly-null sequencesStevo Todorčević
DOI 10.4171/120-1/34pp. 573–583 Uniqueness results for minimal surfaces and constant mean curvature surfaces in Riemannian manifoldsSimon Brendle
DOI 10.4171/120-1/35pp. 585–599 Stability in geometric and functional inequalitiesAlessio Figalli
DOI 10.4171/120-1/36pp. 601–625 Classification and rigidity for von Neumann algebrasAdrian Ioana
DOI 10.4171/120-1/37pp. 627–641 A nonlinear variational problem in relativistic quantum mechanicsMathieu Lewin
DOI 10.4171/120-1/38pp. 643–657 Grid Diagrams in Heegaard Floer TheoryCiprian Manolescu
DOI 10.4171/120-1/39pp. 659–673 Random maps and continuum random 2-dimensional geometriesGrégory Miermont
DOI 10.4171/120-1/40pp. 675–689 Approximate (Abelian) groupsTom Sanders
DOI 10.4171/120-1/41pp. 691–705 Shearing and mixing in parabolic flowsCorinna Ulcigrai
DOI 10.4171/120-1/42pp. 707–726 Optimal control theory and some applications to aerospace problemsEmmanuel Trélat
DOI 10.4171/120-1/43pp. 727–741 Mathematics and geometric ornamentation in the medieval Islamic worldJan P. Hogendijk
DOI 10.4171/120-1/44pp. 743–762 Some mathematical aspects of the planet EarthJosé Francisco Rodrigues
DOI 10.4171/120-1/45pp. 763–777 Turing's Mathematical WorkP.D. Welch
DOI 10.4171/120-1/46pp. 779–790 Counting Berg partitions via Sturmian words and substitution tilingsArtur SiemaszkoMaciej P. Wojtkowski
DOI 10.4171/120-1/47