Automorphic functions on moduli spaces of bundles on curves over local fields: a survey
Alexander Braverman
Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, CanadaDavid Kazhdan
Department of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

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This paper is the written version of D. Kazhdan’s plenary talk at ICM 2022. It is dedicated to an exposition of recent results and (mostly) conjectures attempting to construct an analog of the theory of automorphic functions on moduli spaces of bundles on curves over local fields (both archimedian and non-archimedian). The talk is based on joint works of D. Kazhdan with A. Braverman, P. Etingof, E. Frenkel, and A. Polishchuk.