European Congress of Mathematics
Amsterdam, 14–18 July, 2008
A.C.M. Ran
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The NetherlandsHerman te Riele
Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsJan Wiegerinck
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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pp. v–xxxvi Front Matterpp. v–vi PrefaceA.C.M. RanHerman te RieleJan Wiegerinck
pp. vii–viii Contentspp. 3–16 Uniqueness of bounded solutions to aggregation equations by optimal transport methodsJosé A. CarrilloJesús Rosado
DOI 10.4171/077-1/1pp. 17–29 On the computation of the coefficients of modular formsBas Edixhoven
DOI 10.4171/077-1/2pp. 31–51 Effective equidistribution and spectral gapManfred Einsiedler
DOI 10.4171/077-1/3pp. 53–82 Survey on aspherical manifoldsWolfgang Lück
DOI 10.4171/077-1/4pp. 83–114 Wheeled props in algebra, geometry and quantizationSergei A. Merkulov
DOI 10.4171/077-1/5pp. 115–134 Positive definite functions in distance geometryOleg R. Musin
DOI 10.4171/077-1/6pp. 135–165 From sparse graphs to nowhere dense structures: decompositions, independence, dualities and limitsJaroslav NešetřilPatrice Ossona de Mendez
DOI 10.4171/077-1/7pp. 167–195 Bundle gerbes and surface holonomyJürgen FuchsThomas NikolausChristoph SchweigertKonrad Waldorf
DOI 10.4171/077-1/8pp. 197–210 Topological field theories in 2 dimensionsConstantin Teleman
DOI 10.4171/077-1/9pp. 213–230 The revolution of 1907 – Brouwer’s dissertationDirk van Dalen
DOI 10.4171/077-1/10pp. 233–251 New developments in combinatorial number theory and applicationsJean Bourgain
DOI 10.4171/077-1/11pp. 253–276 Large random planar maps and their scaling limitsJean-François Le Gall
DOI 10.4171/077-1/12pp. 277–292 Geometry and non-archimedean integralsFrançois Loeser
DOI 10.4171/077-1/13pp. 293–332 Feynman integrals and motivesMatilde Marcolli
DOI 10.4171/077-1/14pp. 333–377 Topological quantum field theory: 20 years laterNicolai Reshetikhin
DOI 10.4171/077-1/15pp. 381–400 Computational complexity and numerical stability of linear problemsOlga HoltzNoam Shomron
DOI 10.4171/077-1/16pp. 401–417 High-dimensional distributions with convexity propertiesBo'az Klartag
DOI 10.4171/077-1/17pp. 419–439 Some recent results about the sixth problem of Hilbert: hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equationLaure Saint-Raymond
DOI 10.4171/077-1/18pp. 441–449 Graded algebras associated to algebraic algebras need not be algebraicAgata Smoktunowicz
DOI 10.4171/077-1/19