Asymptotic Theory of Transaction Costs
Walter Schachermayer
Universität Wien, Austria

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload pp. v–viii | |
ContentsDownload pp. ix–x | |
1 | Models on finite probability spacespp. 1–13 |
2 | Utility maximization under transaction costs: The case of finite pp. 15–30 |
3 | Growth-optimal portfolio in the Black–Scholes modelpp. 31–65 |
4 | General duality theorypp. 67–91 |
5 | Local duality theorypp. 93–109 |
6 | Portfolio optimization under transaction costspp. 111–122 |
7 | Shadow price processpp. 123–126 |
8 | Case study: Fractional Brownian motionpp. 127–133 |
A | Appendixpp. 135–142 |
Bibliographypp. 143–147 | |
Indexpp. 149–150 |