Involutive knot Floer homology and bordered modules

  • Sungkyung Kang

    Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Pohang, Republic of Korea
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We prove that, up to local equivalences, a suitable truncation of the involutive knot Floer homology of a knot in and the involutive bordered Heegaard Floer theory of its complement determine each other. In particular, given two knots and , we prove that the -coefficient involutive knot Floer homology of is -locally trivial if and satisfy a certain condition which can be seen as the bordered counterpart of -local equivalence. We further establish an explicit algebraic formula that computes the hat-flavored truncation of the involutive knot Floer homology of a knot from the involutive bordered Floer homology of its complement. It follows that there exists an algebraic satellite operator defined on the local equivalence group of knot Floer chain complexes, which can be computed explicitly up to a suitable truncation.

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Sungkyung Kang, Involutive knot Floer homology and bordered modules. Quantum Topol. (2023), published online first

DOI 10.4171/QT/200