Naturality and functoriality in involutive Heegaard Floer homology

  • Kristen Hendricks

    Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Brunswick, USA
  • Jennifer Hom

    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
  • Matthew Stoffregen

    Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
  • Ian Zemke

    Princeton University, Princeton, USA
Naturality and functoriality in involutive  Heegaard Floer homology cover

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We prove first-order naturality of involutive Heegaard Floer homology, and furthermore, construct well-defined maps on involutive Heegaard Floer homology associated to cobordisms between three-manifolds. We also prove analogous naturality and functoriality results for involutive Floer theory for knots and links. The proof relies on the doubling model for the involution, as well as several variations.

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Kristen Hendricks, Jennifer Hom, Matthew Stoffregen, Ian Zemke, Naturality and functoriality in involutive Heegaard Floer homology. Quantum Topol. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/QT/210