Global well-posedness for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in
Benjamin Harrop-Griffiths
Georgetown University, Washington, USARowan Killip
University of California, Los Angeles, USAMaria Ntekoume
Concordia University, Montreal, QC, CanadaMonica Vişan
University of California, Los Angeles, USA

We prove that the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in one space dimension is globally well-posed on the line in , which is the scaling-critical space for this equation.
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Benjamin Harrop-Griffiths, Rowan Killip, Maria Ntekoume, Monica Vişan, Global well-posedness for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in . J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1490