Almost -complexes as immersed curves
Daniel Rostovtsev
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
This paper uses immersed curves to study homology 3-spheres and their corresponding almost -complexes. A new proof of the classification of almost -complexes is given using a geometric argument. This is then used to reprove the existence of an infinite rank summand in the homology cobordism group, . This paper further demonstrates a new integer homomorphism from the homology cobordism group, , conjectured by Dai, Hom, Stoffregen, and Truong. The application of immersed curves to the study of almost -complexes admits several streamlined proofs and could inspire applications to similar problems.
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Daniel Rostovtsev, Almost -complexes as immersed curves. Quantum Topol. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/QT/219