A prismatic approach to -modules and -crystals
Heng Du
Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. ChinaTong Liu
Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA

We give a new construction of -modules using the theory of prisms developed by Bhatt and Scholze. We give two applications of our results. Firstly, we provide a new proof for the equivalence between the category of prismatic -crystals in finite locally free -modules over and the category of lattices in crystalline representations of , where is a complete discretely valued field of mixed characteristic with perfect residue field. Moreover, we generalize this result to semistable representations using the absolute logarithmic prismatic site defined by Koshikawa.
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Heng Du, Tong Liu, A prismatic approach to -modules and -crystals. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1515