Central limit theorems and the geometry of polynomials

  • Marcus Michelen

    University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA
  • Julian Sahasrabudhe

    University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Central limit theorems and the geometry of polynomials cover

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Let be a random variable with mean , standard deviation , and let be its probability generating function. Pemantle conjectured that if is large and has no roots close to , then must be approximately normal. We completely resolve this conjecture in the following strong quantitative form, obtaining sharp bounds. If over the complex roots of , and , then , where is a standard normal variable. This gives the best possible version of a result of Lebowitz, Pittel, Ruelle and Speer. We also show that if has no roots with small argument, then must be approximately normal, again in a sharp quantitative form: if we set , then . Using this result, we answer a question of Ghosh, Liggett and Pemantle by proving a sharp multivariate central limit theorem for random variables with real-stable probability generating functions.

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Marcus Michelen, Julian Sahasrabudhe, Central limit theorems and the geometry of polynomials. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1530