Kirby belts, categorified projectors, and the skein lasagna module of

  • Ian Sullivan

    University of California, Davis, USA
  • Melissa Zhang

    University of California, Davis, USA
Kirby belts, categorified projectors, and the skein lasagna module of $S^{2} \times S^{2}$ cover

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We interpret Manolescu–Neithalath’s cabled Khovanov homology formula for computing Morrison–Walker–Wedrich’s skein lasagna module as a homotopy colimit (mapping telescope) in a completion of the category of complexes over Bar-Natan’s cobordism category. Using categorified projectors, we compute the skein lasagna modules of (manifold, boundary link) pairs , where is a geometrically essential boundary link, identifying a relationship between the lasagna module and the Rozansky projector appearing in the Rozansky–Willis invariant for nullhomologous links in . As an application, we show that the skein lasagna module of is trivial, confirming a conjecture of Manolescu.

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Ian Sullivan, Melissa Zhang, Kirby belts, categorified projectors, and the skein lasagna module of . Quantum Topol. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/QT/227