Strong topological Rokhlin property, shadowing, and symbolic dynamics of countable groups
Michal Doucha
Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha 1, Czech Republic
A countable group has the strong topological Rokhlin property (STRP) if it admits a continuous action on the Cantor space with a comeager conjugacy class. We show that having STRP is a symbolic dynamical property. We prove that a countable group has STRP if and only if certain sofic subshifts over are dense in the space of subshifts. A sufficient condition is that isolated shifts over are dense in the space of all subshifts.
We provide numerous applications including the proof that a group that decomposes as a free product of finite or cyclic groups has STRP. We show that finitely generated nilpotent groups do not have STRP unless they are virtually cyclic; the same is true for many groups of the form where each factor is recursively presented. We show that a large class of non-finitely-generated groups do not have STRP; this includes any group with infinitely generated center and the Hall universal locally finite group.
We find a very strong connection between STRP and shadowing, also called the pseudo-orbit tracing property. We show that shadowing is generic for actions of a finitely generated group if and only if has STRP.
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Michal Doucha, Strong topological Rokhlin property, shadowing, and symbolic dynamics of countable groups. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1584