Journal of Fractal Geometry
Mathematics of Fractals and Related Topics

Issues of this journal published between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2025 are accessible as open access under our Subscribe to Open model.
The Journal of Fractal Geometry is dedicated to publishing high quality contributions to fractal geometry and related subjects, or to mathematics in areas where fractal properties play an important role. Such topics include:
Self-similarity (broadly interpreted), iterated functions systems
Analysis and partial differential equations on fractal domains and domains with fractal boundaries
Harmonic analysis, including wavelet theory
Spectral and fractal geometry, direct and inverse problems, fractal spectra
Dynamical systems, including complex dynamics and symbolic dynamics
Probability theory and stochastic processes, including SLE and percolation theory
Number theory and fractal geometry, including zeta functions and Diophantine approximation
Geometric measure theory and potential theory
Metric measure spaces, including nonsmooth differential calculus
Graph theory and other aspects of discrete mathematics, metric and quantum graphs
Operator algebras and noncommutative fractal geometry
Self-similar groups and finite automata, quasicrystals, nonarchimedean analysis
Limit sets of Fuchsian and Kleinian groups, Apollonian packings
Experimental mathematics and numerical approximations
Applications to physics, computer science, life sciences, geophysics, economics/finance, and other sciences
The Journal of Fractal Geometry accepts submissions containing original research articles and short communications. Occasionally research expository or survey articles will also be published. Only contributions representing substantial advances in the field will be considered for publication. Surveys and expository papers, as well as papers dealing with the applications to other sciences or with experimental mathematics, may be considered, especially when they contain significant mathematical content or value and suggest interesting new research directions through conjectures or the discussion of open problems.
The journal is indexed in zbMATH Open, and Mathematical Reviews, as well as in Scopus and Web of Science (in the Science Citation Index Extended database, thus in the Journal Citation Reports). Furthermore, it is listed in the DOAJ.
The journal is owned by the European Mathematical Society and it adheres to its Code of Practice and the publisher's Code of Conduct and Publishing Ethics.
The Journal of Fractal Geometry is published in one volume per annum, four issues per volume, approximately 400 pages.