Journal of Fractal Geometry
Mathematics of Fractals and Related Topics

Submission of Manuscripts
Authors must submit their papers electronically in PDF format, according to the instructions below, using the online submission form.
The following information is required with the submission:
Name(s) of author(s) together with email address(es).
Complete mailing address(es).
Name of the corresponding author.
Key words and phrases describing the subject matter of the article.
Authors should indicate the Editor whose expertise is closest to the subject of the paper. (They can suggest the names of up to three editors, in some order of proximity.)
For an overview of the research interests of the editorial board members, click here.
If one of the authors of the submitted paper is on the editorial board, then another editor will oversee the review process of the paper. The editor-author will not be involved in the decision process concerning his or her own paper. This rule also applies to the managing editors and the editor-in-chief.
Authors may indicate up to four possible referees for their paper, with their corresponding institution(s) and e-mail address(es). Note that the editor in charge of the paper may not select the suggested referees.
Papers based on extensive numerical computations must either have an associated website where all the data may be accessed or else must be posted (in expanded form, with the numerical data as an appendix) on a public repository (such as the arXiv), upon the time of submission. A reference to the website or to the expanded e-print should be included in the submitted paper.
Papers to be considered for publication must be written in English.
Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Peer Review
The Journal of Fractal Geometry operates a single blind peer review process conducted by external reviewers selected by the editorial board.
Open Access
The Journal of Fractal Geometry is a Subscribe to Open (S2O) journal, which means that articles may be published open access. There are no author fees or article processing charges associated with this model of open access. Open access articles are published under the CC-BY 4.0 license. The articles that are not published with proper open access, are granted the so-called green open access, meaning that the authors’ final version, not edited by the publisher yet, can be posted in institutional or other repositories, as well as on the authors’ institutional web pages without any embargo. These papers become freely accessible – but remain copyright protected – after five years. Authors may review our Terms of Digital Access for further information regarding licenses and repository deposits.
Author Guidelines
We strongly encourage authors to make available LaTeX files for typesetting purposes. Upon final acceptance of papers, authors will be asked to submit all source files and macros together with a PDF file.
Once an article has been accepted for publication, authors are kindly asked to
download the file;
follow the typesetting instructions, also included in the zip file;
submit their article in well-structured LaTeX using the template and the style file contained in the zip file.
Authors will receive a set of galley proofs of their article for final corrections.
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Editorial Office
For questions regarding the journal, please write to or at the address
EMS Press
Institut für Mathematik
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin