The compressible Euler equations in a physical vacuum: A comprehensive Eulerian approach
Mihaela Ifrim
University of Wisconsin, Madison, USADaniel Tataru
University of California, Berkeley, USA

This article is concerned with the local well-posedness problem for the compressible Euler equations in gas dynamics. For this system we consider the free boundary problem which corresponds to a physical vacuum. Despite the clear physical interest in this system, the prior work on this problem is limited to Lagrangian coordinates, in high-regularity spaces. Instead, the objective of the present work is to provide a new, fully Eulerian approach to this problem, which provides a complete, Hadamard-style well-posedness theory for this problem in low-regularity Sobolev spaces. In particular, we give new proofs for existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence on the data with sharp, scale-invariant energy estimates, and a continuation criterion.
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Mihaela Ifrim, Daniel Tataru, The compressible Euler equations in a physical vacuum: A comprehensive Eulerian approach. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 41 (2024), no. 2, pp. 405–495
DOI 10.4171/AIHPC/91