On the convergence of critical points of the Ambrosio–Tortorelli functional

  • Jean-François Babadjian

    Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Orsay, France
  • Vincent Millot

    Université Paris Est Créteil, UPEM, France; Université Gustave Eiffel, CNRS, Créteil, France
  • Rémy Rodiac

    Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Orsay, France
On the convergence of critical points of the Ambrosio–Tortorelli functional cover

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This work is devoted to studying the asymptotic behavior of critical points of the Ambrosio–Tortorelli functional. Under a uniform energy bound assumption, the usual -convergence theory ensures that converges in the -sense to some as , where is a special function of bounded variation. Assuming further that the Ambrosio–Tortorelli energy of converges to the Mumford–Shah energy of , the latter is shown to be a critical point with respect to inner variations of the Mumford–Shah functional. As a by-product, the second inner variation is also shown to pass to the limit. To establish these convergence results, interior regularity and boundary regularity for Dirichlet boundary conditions are first obtained for a fixed parameter . The asymptotic analysis is then performed by means of varifold theory in the spirit of scalar phase transition problems.

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Jean-François Babadjian, Vincent Millot, Rémy Rodiac, On the convergence of critical points of the Ambrosio–Tortorelli functional. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré C Anal. Non Linéaire (2023), published online first

DOI 10.4171/AIHPC/102