Almost sure global well posedness for the radial nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the unit ball I: The 2D case
Jean Bourgain
School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540, United StatesAynur Bulut
School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540, United States
Our first purpose is to extend the results from [14] on the radial defocusing NLS on the disc in to arbitrary smooth (defocusing) nonlinearities and show the existence of a well-defined flow on the support of the Gibbs measure (which is the natural extension of the classical flow for smooth data). We follow a similar approach as in [8] exploiting certain additional a priori space–time bounds that are provided by the invariance of the Gibbs measure.
Next, we consider the radial focusing equation with cubic nonlinearity (the mass-subcritical case was studied in [15]) where the Gibbs measure is subject to an -norm restriction. A phase transition is established. For sufficiently small -norm, the Gibbs measure is absolutely continuous with respect to the free measure, and moreover we have a well-defined dynamics. For sufficiently large -norm cutoff, the Gibbs measure concentrates on delta functions centered at 0. This phenomenon is similar to the one observed in the work of Lebowitz, Rose, and Speer [13] on the torus.
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Jean Bourgain, Aynur Bulut, Almost sure global well posedness for the radial nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the unit ball I: The 2D case. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 31 (2014), no. 6, pp. 1267–1288
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2013.09.002