On the proof of Kuranishi’s embedding theorem

  • Sidney Webster

    School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. 55455


We prove a local holomorphic embedding theorem for a formally integrable, strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold M with dim M = 2n − 1 ≧ 7. This embedding is obtained as the limit of a sequence of approximate embeddings into complex n-space, which is constructed and shown to converge by the methods of Nash and Moser. The linearized problem is solved using the explicit integral operators constructed by Henkin. With estimates wich we have previously obtained for these operators, we show that if M is of class Cm, then it admits a Ck embedding provided 21 ≦ k, 6k + 5n − 2 ≦ m. Our argument is much shorter and simpler than previous arguments, which were based on the Neumann operator and carried out in the C∞ category.


Nous démontrons un théorème de plongement holomorphe local pour une variété CR M, intégrable et strictement pseudoconvexe, si dim M = 2n – 1 ≧ 7. Ce plongement est obtenu comme limite d’une suite de plongements approximatifs dans l’espace ℂn. Nous construisons cette suite et démontrons sa convergence par les méthodes de Nash et Moser. Pour le problème linéarisé nous utilisons les opérateurs construits par Henkin et les bornes que nous avons obtenu auparavant. Si M est de classe ℂm, le plongement est de classe Ck pourvu que k ≧ 21 et m ≧ 6k + 5n − 2.

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Sidney Webster, On the proof of Kuranishi’s embedding theorem. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 6 (1989), no. 3, pp. 183–207

DOI 10.1016/S0294-1449(16)30322-5