Energy and local energy bounds for the 1-d cubic NLS equation in
Herbert Koch
Mathematisches Institut, Universität Bonn, GermanyDaniel Tataru
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, United States

We consider the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) in one space dimension, either focusing or defocusing. We prove that the solutions satisfy a priori local in time bounds in terms of the size of the initial data for . This improves earlier results of Christ, Colliander and Tao [3] and of the authors (Koch and Tataru, 2007 [13]). The new ingredients are a localization in space and local energy decay, which we hope to be of independent interest.
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Herbert Koch, Daniel Tataru, Energy and local energy bounds for the 1-d cubic NLS equation in . Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 29 (2012), no. 6, pp. 955–988
DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2012.05.006