The closing lemma for generic endomorphisms

  • Martín Sambarino

    CMAT – Fac. de Ciencias, Univ. de la República, Iguá 4225, CP:11400 Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Alvaro Rovella

    CMAT – Fac. de Ciencias, Univ. de la República, Iguá 4225, CP:11400 Montevideo, Uruguay


Given a compact -dimensional manifold and , consider the space of self mappings of . We prove here that for every map in a residual subset of , the closing lemma holds. In particular, it follows that the set of periodic points is dense in the nonwandering set of a generic map. The proof is based on a geometric result asserting that for generic maps the future orbit of every point in visits the critical set at most times.

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Martín Sambarino, Alvaro Rovella, The closing lemma for generic endomorphisms. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 27 (2010), no. 6, pp. 1461–1469

DOI 10.1016/J.ANIHPC.2010.09.003