Optimal linearization of vector fields on the torus in non-analytic Gevrey classes
Abed Bounemoura
Paris Dauphine University, France; Paris Observatory, France; PSL Research University, Paris, France

We study linear and non-linear small divisors problems in analytic and non-analytic regularity. We observe that the Bruno arithmetic condition, which is usually attached to non-linear analytic problems, can also be characterized as the optimal condition to solve the linear problem in some fixed non-quasi-analytic class. Based on this observation, it is natural to conjecture that the optimal arithmetic condition for the linear problem is also optimal for non-linear small divisors problems in any reasonable non-quasi-analytic classes. Our main result proves this conjecture in a representative non-linear problem, which is the linearization of vector fields on the torus, in the most natural non-quasi-analytic class, which is the Gevrey class. The proof follows Moser’s argument of approximation by analytic functions, and uses works of Popov, Rüssmann and Pöschel in an essential way.
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Abed Bounemoura, Optimal linearization of vector fields on the torus in non-analytic Gevrey classes. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 39 (2022), no. 3, pp. 501–528
DOI 10.4171/AIHPC/12