Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D
Combinatorics, Physics and their Interactions

Issues of this journal published between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2025 are accessible as open access under our Subscribe to Open model.
The unfolding of new ideas in physics is often tied to the development of new combinatorial methods, and conversely some problems in combinatorics have been successfully attacked using methods inspired by statistical physics or quantum field theory.
The journal is dedicated to publishing high-quality original research articles and survey articles in which combinatorics and physics interact in both directions. Combinatorial papers should be motivated by potential applications to physical phenomena or models, while physics papers should contain some interesting combinatorial development.
Both rigorous mathematical proof and heuristic physical reasoning have a place in this journal, but each must be clearly labeled. Definitions and proofs should be presented with the precision and rigor that are expected in a mathematics journal. Conjectures based on heuristic physical arguments and/or numerical evidence are warmly encouraged, but they should be clearly labeled as such and should be stated as precisely as possible.
Authors should remember that readers of the journal will come from a wide variety of backgrounds, both mathematical (not only combinatorics but also algebra, topology, geometry, analysis, probability, etc) and physical (quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, quantum gravity etc). Therefore, authors should write with such a diverse audience in mind and should take care to provide, in the introductory section of their article, a clear statement of the problem to be studied and the mathematical and/or physical background from which it arises. Authors are also encouraged to provide, in the second section of the article, a brief pedagogical review of the mathematical or physical tools that will be used in their work.
The list of specific subject areas in which articles are anticipated includes:
Combinatorics of renormalization
Combinatorics of cluster, virial and related expansions
Discrete geometry and combinatorics of quantum gravity
Graph polynomials and statistical-mechanics models
Topological graph polynomials and quantum field theory
Physical applications of combinatorial Hopf algebras, matroids, combinatorial species, and other combinatorial structures
Exact solutions of statistical-mechanical models
Combinatorics and algebra of integrable systems
Computational complexity and its relation with statistical physics
Computational/algorithmic aspects of combinatorial physics
Interactions of combinatorial physics with topology, geometry, probability theory, or computer science
The journal is indexed in zbMATH Open, and Mathematical Reviews, as well as in Scopus and Web of Science (in the Emerging Sources Citation Index). Furthermore, it is listed in the DOAJ.
The journal is owned by the Association Publications de l'Institut Henri Poincaré and it adheres to the European Mathematical Society Code of Practice and the publisher's Code of Conduct and Publishing Ethics.
The Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D is published in one volume per annum, four issues per volume, approximately 800 pages.