Corrigendum and addendum to Appendix A of “Fractal geometry of the complement of Lagrange spectrum in Markov spectrum”

  • Luke Jeffreys

    University of Bristol, UK
  • Carlos Matheus

    CNRS, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
  • Carlos Gustavo Moreira

    Nankai University, Tianjin,P. R. China; IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Clément Rieutord

    École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France; IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Corrigendum and addendum to Appendix A of “Fractal geometry of the complement of Lagrange spectrum in Markov spectrum” cover
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This erratum corrects the statement and proof of Corollary A.4 of [Comment. Math. Helv. 95, 593–633 (2020)].

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Luke Jeffreys, Carlos Matheus, Carlos Gustavo Moreira, Clément Rieutord, Corrigendum and addendum to Appendix A of “Fractal geometry of the complement of Lagrange spectrum in Markov spectrum”. Comment. Math. Helv. 98 (2023), no. 2, pp. 425–430

DOI 10.4171/CMH/558