Complete hyperbolic Stein manifolds with prescribed automorphism groups
Su-Jen Kan
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

It is well known that the automorphism group of a hyperbolic manifold is a Lie group. Conversely, it is interesting to see whether or not any Lie group can be prescribed as the automorphism group of a certain complex manifold.
When the Lie group is compact and connected, this problem has been completely solved by Bedford–Dadok and independently by Saerens–Zame in 1987. They have constructed strictly pseudoconvex bounded domains such that . For Bedford–Dadok’s , ; for generic Saerens–Zame’s , .
J. Winkelmann has answered affirmatively to noncompact connected Lie groups in recent years. He showed there exist Stein complete hyperbolic manifolds such that . In his construction, it is typical that .
In this article, we tackle this problem from a different aspect. We prove that for any connected Lie group (compact or noncompact), there exist complete hyperbolic Stein manifolds such that with . Working on a natural complexification of the real-analytic manifold , our construction of is geometrically concrete and elementary in nature.
Cite this article
Su-Jen Kan, Complete hyperbolic Stein manifolds with prescribed automorphism groups. Comment. Math. Helv. 82 (2007), no. 2, pp. 371–383
DOI 10.4171/CMH/95