Bounded cohomology with coefficients in uniformly convex Banach spaces

  • Mladen Bestvina

    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
  • Kenneth Bromberg

    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
  • Koji Fujiwara

    Kyoto University, Japan


We show that for acylindrically hyperbolic groups (with no nontrivial finite normal subgroups) and arbitrary unitary representation of in a (nonzero) uniformly convex Banach space the vector space is infinite dimensional. The result was known for the regular representations on with by a different argument. But our result is new even for a non-abelian free group in this great generality for representations, and also the case for acylindrically hyperbolic groups follows as an application.

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Mladen Bestvina, Kenneth Bromberg, Koji Fujiwara, Bounded cohomology with coefficients in uniformly convex Banach spaces. Comment. Math. Helv. 91 (2016), no. 2, pp. 203–218

DOI 10.4171/CMH/383