Non-vanishing for Koszul cohomology of curves

  • M. Aprodu

    Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • J. Nagel

    Université Lille I, Villeneuve D'ascq, France


We study the relationship between rank p + 2 Koszul classes and rank 2 vector bundles on a smooth curve. We show that every rank p + 2 Koszul class is obtained from a rank 2 vector bundle and give an explicit nonvanishing theorem for Koszul classes arising in this way.

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M. Aprodu, J. Nagel, Non-vanishing for Koszul cohomology of curves. Comment. Math. Helv. 82 (2007), no. 3, pp. 617–628

DOI 10.4171/CMH/104