Free loci of matrix pencils and domains of noncommutative rational functions

  • Igor Klep

    The University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • Jurij Volčič

    The University of Auckland, New Zealand


Consider a monic linear pencil whose coefficients are matrices. It is naturally evaluated at -tuples of matrices using the Kronecker tensor product, which gives rise to its free locus . In this article it is shown that the algebras and generated by the coefficients of two linear pencils and , respectively, with equal free loci are isomorphic up to radical, i.e., . Furthermore, if and only if the natural map sending the coefficients of to the coefficients of induces a homomorphism . Since linear pencils are a key ingredient in studying noncommutative rational functions via realization theory, the above results lead to a characterization of all noncommutative rational functions with a given domain. Finally, a quantum version of Kippenhahn's conjecture on linear pencils is formulated and proved: if hermitian matrices generate as an algebra, then there exist hermitian matrices such that has a simple eigenvalue.

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Igor Klep, Jurij Volčič, Free loci of matrix pencils and domains of noncommutative rational functions. Comment. Math. Helv. 92 (2017), no. 1, pp. 105–130

DOI 10.4171/CMH/408