The rational homotopy Lie algebra of function spaces
Urtzi Buijs
Universidad de Málaga, SpainAniceto Murillo
Universidad de Málaga, Spain
In this paper we fully describe the rational homotopy Lie algebra of any component of a given (free or pointed) function space. Also, we characterize higher order Whitehead products on these spaces. From this, we deduce the existence of -structures on a given component of a pointed mapping space between rational spaces, assuming the cone length of is smaller than the order of any non trivial generalized Whitehead product in .
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Urtzi Buijs, Aniceto Murillo, The rational homotopy Lie algebra of function spaces. Comment. Math. Helv. 83 (2008), no. 4, pp. 723–739
DOI 10.4171/CMH/141