The rational homotopy Lie algebra of function spaces

  • Urtzi Buijs

    Universidad de Málaga, Spain
  • Aniceto Murillo

    Universidad de Málaga, Spain


In this paper we fully describe the rational homotopy Lie algebra of any component of a given (free or pointed) function space. Also, we characterize higher order Whitehead products on these spaces. From this, we deduce the existence of -structures on a given component of a pointed mapping space between rational spaces, assuming the cone length of is smaller than the order of any non trivial generalized Whitehead product in .

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Urtzi Buijs, Aniceto Murillo, The rational homotopy Lie algebra of function spaces. Comment. Math. Helv. 83 (2008), no. 4, pp. 723–739

DOI 10.4171/CMH/141